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St. Clare Community strives to practice radical inclusivity and compassion - excluding no one

and doing what we can to lighten the burden of others who are suffering.

So, in addition to various charitable and social justice activities of our own,

we redirect a portion of the donations that we receive to support charitable organizations

that provide services to our marginalized sisters and brothers.


We know from our experience that the needs in our regional area far outpace the resources available,

so we want to do our part.

Our last quarter tithe went to The Women's Hearth




Over the past few years, St. Clare has supported the following organizations or ministries:


Family Promise of Spokane
First time low income mothers through the Nurse Family Partnership Program
Odyssey Youth Movement
Partnering for Progress
Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane
Spokane Faith and Values
Spokane Tribe of Indians
The Fig Tree
Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

The Women's Hearth






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